От тази есен започва национална кампания за реставрация и съхранение на уникалния археологически обект Севтополис, по идея на Национално обединение „Съхрани българското".
Целтае връщането на първия и най-добре запазен у нас град на траките в съкровищницата на световното културно наследство, съобщават от "Съхрани българското".
В момента Севтополис се намира на дъното на язовир „Копринка" до Казанлък. За първи път градът на тракийския владетел Севт ІІІ е проучен през 50-те години на миналия век при изграждането на „Копринка".
Макар да е под язовира градът е отлично съхранен. В него се съдържат редица ценни данни и находки на траките със световно културно и историческо значение.
на 01.10.2007 в 12:42:42 #91mornar
на 01.10.2007 в 12:34:59 #90mornar
на 01.10.2007 в 12:26:24 #89mornar
на 01.10.2007 в 12:12:51 #88mornar
на 01.10.2007 в 12:11:05 #87BaltAvar
на 01.10.2007 в 12:04:54 #86Who were the Celts? This question definitely interests the modern historians. They give a variety of answers to that question, but there are common facts in all their works. The Celts were tribes of the Indo-European origin, which dominated Europe during the Iron age, and more precisely between 800 B.C. to 15 A. D. Their original culture distinguished them significantly from the other barbarian tribes. That was the primary reason for their impressive expansion, carried out between 500 and 100 B.C. In 280 B.C., the ancient historians note a massive Celtic expansion on the Balkan Peninsular, although the first Celts come to our lands much earlier - in the middle of 4th century B.C. Celtic dominance on the Balkans lasts over two centuries and the zenith of it is the so-called "Celtic Kingdom", which existed for 64 years - from 277 to 213 B.C. The destiny of the numerous Balkan tribes - the Thracians is closely related to that of the Celts, which gives good reasons to the historians to talk about "Thracian - Celtic nation" as well as about the importance of Celts for the shaping of Balkan culture. During the 3rd century B.C. the Celtic kings Brem and Bolg establish their own kingdom in the territory of Thracia with capital Tule and even fight against Philip Macedonian to protect their territories. The great similarity between ancient Bulgarian and Celtic languages is impressive. For example : * "Koleda" in ancient Bulgarian means "Holiday of the Bulgarian Father" ; in Celtic - "Koleda"= "Holiday". * "Rig" - king; also a suffix in the name of some Bulgarian khans -e.g. Terelig; in Celtic - "Rig" = "King". * "Boyar" -ancient Bulgarian title; "Boyar" in Celtic - superior state official. * "Kampsi" - tutor in ancient Bulgarian; "Kampa" - the Celtic Druid's School * "Ongl" - stronghold, fortress in ancient Bulgarian; "Ongl" in Celtic - the same meaning; It is quite obvious, that the Celtic presence on Bulgarian territory has been of significant importance and although the Celtic culture and traditions (as well the Thracian ones) are assimilated and vanish completely after the establishment of the Bulgarian state in 681, archeologists and historians continue to find remains from the glorious Celtic State on the Balkan Peninsula.
на 01.10.2007 в 12:02:14 #85mornar
на 01.10.2007 в 11:57:14 #84our Forefather Koled and his son Bolg /which means wolf/, whose name we bear, the Bulgarians. The family of king Arthur comes from the highlands of Scotland, where in prehistorical time settled a part of the folk Bolg - our Celtokymerian ancestors. But the ancient name of Scotland is just Kaledonia - named after our Forefather Koled. ---------------------------------
на 01.10.2007 в 11:56:36 #83АНТИПАТ
на 01.10.2007 в 11:53:06 #82АНТИПАТ
на 01.10.2007 в 11:48:02 #81mornar
на 01.10.2007 в 11:45:41 #80АНТИПАТ
на 01.10.2007 в 11:44:03 #79mornar
на 01.10.2007 в 11:37:55 #78So as in the Heaven the new Sun births, in order to give us health, life and fertility in the new year, so on Earth Bolg has been born, to give to give new life to the Bulgarian Tribe, Kingdom and Low. So it was at that time, let it be in this way forever! This myth inspires us to conscious the deep holy meaning of the 14 words:"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children!" Let it be Bolg! Let it be Bolg-Arya forever!
на 01.10.2007 в 11:37:03 #77The sword of King Arthur "If we penetrate more deeper the surface of our soul, we come upon a historical overlays, which are not dead dust, they continue to live and act in each man, even is such size, for which we probably are not able to create trueth imagination in the level of our knowledge today." Carl Gustav Jung The myth is not fiction only recreated dream. It is the most powerfull spiritual weapon for influence upon the real life. The myth fires the imagination of the people ,wakes up the spirit of his race - for creation and heroism. It unites the raving individuals into one self-organising unity - the folks community. The mythological and the real are the both mutualrelated sides of the being. The idea for their dialectical unity may be seen in the myth about king Arthur - the greatest legendary heroe of the Celtic folks. But, the holy meaning may be drawn from it`s begining and end. It is completely valid about the holy weapon of king Arthur and symbol of the might of kingdom Logria - the sword Eskalibur. The father of king Arthur gaines this sword from the Lake fea. At his death our he fixes with magic power Eskalibur in a stone, from where the young Arthur only succeeds to draw it. In this way he proves his right on the father`s throne. For many years king Arthur successfully reighnes, and he returnes the glory and greatness of Logria.Together with his famous knights from the Circle table he is doing countless feats. However it comes the time of decline, marked with bloody internecine wars. After the last battle , the dead injured king Arthur gives back his sword to the Lake fea. So finds this greatest hymn of the European knighthood. As we know from Carl Gustav Jung, the water is one of the symbols of the unconsciosed, of the most deep overlays in the human consciounes. From there may come to the surface the archetypes - ancient notions for the World and for the being, which we bear in our blood sins our Creation. The archetypes are the display of our Race spirit, and they get cleaned view in the folk`s mythologyes. So thst the sword taken out of the water - it is the myth, turned into an action. But later this action aquires sacred dimension and turnes into a new myth. When the declime of Logria comes, king Arthur gives back the sword into the water - to remaine clean and sacred, unaproachable for enemies and undeserving men. In this way an ability is secured another knight after him to take it out again, and to use it for the cause of the Tribe and the Race. The myth is conserved in the folk`s memory to habituate the future generations in the spirit of heroism and fightership. And so the Cyrcle of life continues its rotation forever, without anybody to be able to stop it. It is so, because the life is a fight. But there is no life without heroism. The history of the Arthur`s sword leads also to our, Bulgarian tribe roots, as well. Because Eskalibur is a latine version of the name Kaledvulh /Koled-bolg/ - the sword og our Forefather Koled and his son Bolg /which means wolf/, whose name we bear, the Bulgarians. The family of king Arthur comes from the highlands of Scotland, where in prehistorical time settled a part of the folk Bolg - our Celtokymerian ancestors. But the ancient name of Scotland is just Kaledonia - named after our Forefather Koled. Today the most awaken and selfless Bulgarian patriots have broken the ice of the poisoner`s doktrines, and they begin, peace by peace, to renew the trueth about the origin of their folk. Yes, in the nearest time it seems nesessary to take the holy spiritual weapon of the Bolg-Aryans of the forgetfulness, and to turn it again into a cause, into a new historical realisation. Yes, when we stare the deepness of the history again, may be not all conscious the responsibility to our great ancestors and the future bulgarian generations. Today, on the border of the epoches, is has fortune importance wether will be taken out the spiritual sword of Koled and Bolg, or some lustrous trifle, which some people with hasty naiveti would proclame for Bulgarian holy think. The sacred bulgarian myth is not anywhere far from us. It is in ourselfes. In his long historical path the Bulgarian folk conserved the memory of his far Forefather - the king Koled. The greatest Bulgarian festival - Koleda, is devoted to Him. The koledars /man, who proclame Koleda/ sing elevated koledar songs - holy Bulgarian hymnes, with the sonorous bulgarian refrain "Kolade, Kolade le".The Bulgarian koledars send to Him their prayers for health and fertility in yhe coming year. The initiation of the boys is been caried out during His festival - for first time they gird red belts, put bachelor clothes on, and become koledars. Because on Koleda we celebrate the birthday of the Koled`s son - Bolg. "Bolg is born, oh my Koled" - so the most popular koledar song whitnesses about the meaning of the ceremony. According to the legends Bolg has been born more than 3500 years ago, during the time, which the oldest history of Ireland has been situated into, which concernes the Fir Bolg`s folk. At that time the ancient Celtic holy place Stonehage has been built. Up till nou we don`t know exactly what happened, but obviosly the king Koled and His folk must have been stood upright faitfull chalange, for such a sacred festiv to become the birth of the throneinheritor. Much later, during the time of Celtic conquests in Europe /V - IV s. B.C./ in the lands of Central Europe a king with the same name - Koled, had been reighning. His sons Brem and Bolg have founded a new kingdem in the lands of Thracia /Today`s Bulgaria/, with capital Tile /Thule/, which , as some historians say, existed more than 60 years. According their conscious about might, the Celtic kings renewed the myth about Koled and Bolg in order to fulfil it with a new content. Not accidently, the myth about the birth of Bolg is conected astronomicaly with the winter sunstanding. So as in the Heaven the
на 01.10.2007 в 11:35:56 #76mornar
на 01.10.2007 в 11:33:29 #75Briefly about the Bolgaro-slovenian volk One Bulgarian chronicle , published by Georgi Stojkov Rakovski The volk of Bulgarians went in the ancient times to the Black sea to river Volga from the Great Scandinavia , and were they Kimmerians and Gimmerians calling themselves . They multiplyed and went this country first before Alexander Macedonian. The first King was Ilirik
на 01.10.2007 в 11:29:21 #74mornar
на 01.10.2007 в 11:28:09 #73macedonian and Greek dna http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROn769N7lbY " Proves the Greek dna is ethiopian" -------------------------
на 01.10.2007 в 11:24:26 #72Greek Faces http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29oXNWKKaI8 ------------------ KFTBD (1 month ago) O my god the 2 greeks with beard looks like the aboriginis of australia! ----------- KFTBD (1 month ago) The manns with beard they look like the aboriginis of Australia. ---------------------